Ok here are some nearly N_k_d pictures from my shoot with Elizabeth
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Monday, July 9, 2012
Grizzly Flats-Flat, and no Grizzly
With a Red Box rental being only a couple of bucks,
sometimes you take a chance even when you know better. Sometimes you get a pleasant surprise like
Exit Humanity, other times you get Grizzly Flats. I guess I’m a bit of a sucker for rampaging
bear movies. Maybe it was because I
remember the lurid commercials for Grizzly as a child, or maybe just because I
secretly always hoped Ben would one day take the head off that pompous Dan Haggerty.
Well, there was no Grizzly, in Grizzly Flats,, rampaging or not, and barely a
The plot, if you can all it that, is that a brilliant
scientist runs off to the middle of the wilderness to build a sort of
dimensional resonator. His trial runs
apparently allow shadow people to cross over into our dimension. The shadow people harass him and his wife, as
well as the local meth cooking inbreeds, and the resident trailer park
hooker. The wife finds a gourd baby, the
scientist starts tweaking, the hooker gets scarred, the sheriff finally gets to
see some boob, the inbreeds get killed, and the shadow men do shadow shit. If only the movie was as short as that synopsis,
I would only have wasted 2 bucks not an hour and a half.
So where to begin? This is really bad even for a low
budget. First the scientist Sylvane, or something
it sounded a lot like So Vain (I’d accuse the director of being clever, but the
movie itself makes that unlikely), a brilliant physicist who leaves a
university to go to the wilderness to work on his invention. His invention, a dimensional resonator which apparently
is constructed from metal plates, copper tubing and a few circuit boards, looked
a lot like Robbie the Robot if he were converted into a moonshine still.
Well So Vain likes to yell, like almost every line in the
film. If he isn’t yelling he’s talking
in an “I’m better than you” sarcastic tone.
This makes it impossible to like him, care for him or take him seriously. This is a bad thing for the main character,
especially the protagonist in the film.
Maybe if he had been slightly less annoying and hysterical, he would
have done a decent job, but I doubt it.
As it is I don’t know who the actor who played him is, and don’t care
enough to look him up.
His wife was cute, but her acting skills were limited to,
well honestly she had no skills, at least none on display. She couldn’t have convinced me she had nice
tits, if she had taken her shirt off, her acting was that bad. The gourd baby was a better actor than his
mom or dad.
The star power is provided by Judd Nelson, who plays the world’s
most pathetic pornographer and red neck sheriff. He is the most believable actor in the film,
but it had to be force of habit, a very weak force at that. He mostly just wanders around talking in a
monotone, and trying to get the local hooker naked on tape. The fact that the local law, can’t get the
local prostitute naked (until she is horribly scarred, more later) points to
the intelligence of this whole script. Come
on now.
The local hooker, who Nelson calls “Daddy”? Or maybe it’s
Danni? Who the fuck knows, and does anyone really care for that matter. She is played by Danielle de Luca, and
Danielle is the only good thing about the film, it’s also probably her most embarrassing. She is raped and horribly scarred by the
shadow men. By horribly scarred I mean she has had a New York strip steak taped
to her face. She doesn’t really get to
show off her acting skills, but she does show her breasts, much to the
audience, and Judd Nelson’s relief.
The inbred rednecks are probably the most stupidly stereotypical
rednecks on film since the Clampet family. They cook meth, are toothless, have
speech impediments and dress like the Winter’s brothers. Every time they opened their mouth I wanted
to kill a city slicker.
As for the story, well there was no story. No coherent story
anyway. The scientist’s master plan to
defeat the shadow men is to smoke meth with the rednecks and then shoot their
weapons wildly and randomly into the air, as shadow men fly all around them.
Not surprisingly but stupidly all the rednecks end up dead. The scientist, his brilliant plan failing
returns home and cooks his disturbed wife’s gourd baby and feed it to her. That will snap her back to reality. Thankfully he still had a bullet left in the
gun so the movie ended shortly after that.
The direction couldn’t have been much more than “yell louder”
“laugh manically” or “shoot randomly”. I’ve
seen better dialogue in a bukakke video. For the actor playing Pastor Ron, retire immediately,
go into stand up comedy, and immediately retire from that. It’s like he was trying his best to be funny
and he wasn’t. The only time I almost laughed
was in his final scene, and even that was badly botched
Really, it was that bad, worse actually, I’m just not
watching it again to make the review more thorough. There is absolutely no real reason to watch this
film. Danielle de Luca is gorgeous, but
see Naked Prey if you haven’t already.
She’s totally nude and it’s a much better film. Or see Necrosis, where she doesn’t get naked,
but it’s a good little film. Judd Nelson
fans, stay the hell away, you’ll just feel sorry for him and try and send him
money. Just remember him as he was. There is the novelty of seeing a relative of
the master Edgar Allen Poe as one of the rednecks, but he has other films.
I gave this a one on IMDB, but I don’t have to be that kind
on my blog. On a scale of 1-10, I give
it a -2. If this film were lying on a
beach, House of the Dead would kick sand in it’s face.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Exit Humanity (review)
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Exit Humanity |
Zombies are
the rage right now, and as usually happen, once something gets “hot” the
quality goes in the crapper. That’s especially
true with horror archetypes, and zombies are one of the worst affected. In fact there are more bad zombie flicks,
than there are mediocre to good ones. So
it was with a healthy dose of skepticism and resignation that I decided to rent
Exit Humanity.
On the plus
side it featured both Bill Moseley and Dee Wallace, two horror icons that never
phone it in. It was also set in the
American West (actually in Tennessee, but no nit picking) shortly after the
Civil War, and hell, I’m a big fan of Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare.
Please check out my new Cult Film blog
Please check out my new Cult Film blog
Set in 1875,
Exit Humanity is the story of Edward Young played by Mark Gibson. After encountering the undead during the
final days of the Civil War, he returns home to his wife and son. He returns from hunting one day to find his
son missing and his wife one of the undead.
He kills her and goes in search of his son. During his search he comes across Confederate
General Williams played by Moseley who is looking for a cure to the outbreak,
and to rebuild Tennessee to its Confederate glory. Ultimately he is forced to
choose between joining Williams or making his own way in a world overrun by the
It got off
to a rough start. I’m not a big fan of
narration, and the early parts of the film are heavily narrated by Brian Cox.
Normally I’m a fan of a film being told by the actors through their acting, not
voice over or exposition. The first fifteen minutes of the film there is
virtually no dialogue except the narration.
At this point I wanted to watch the film
through the protagonist’s, played by Mark Gibson, acting. I wanted to discover
the film through his facial expressions and body language, not a narration that
seemed to never end. Strange thing
though, when the narration ended, I missed it.
The narration is used in spots throughout the film and it’s like an old
friend come back to visit.
getting used to the narration, I thoroughly enjoyed this film. Mark Gibson, as Edward Young carries the film
excellently. He tells you his story,
with and without narration, by the pain in his eyes, his tears and body
language. The supporting cast never gets
in his way. Bill Mosley who is usually a
hyper kinetic maelstrom is probably more subdued than I have ever seen him in a
role. That doesn’t make him any less
menacing or horrifying. In fact it makes him much more real, much more believably
evil. Stephen McHattie, another horror
legend, gives an insane but also subdued performance. Honestly I barely recognized Dee Wallace even
though I knew she was in the cast. The
supporting cast did their job perfectly, they supported, allowing Gibson to
shine and carry the film.
Humanity is in fact a quiet film, as far as zombie films go. True there is gunfire, screams and gnashing
of teeth, but for the most part it is a quiet film. A film driven by the main character on his
quest, first to find his son, then to find a reason to live in a world of the
His quest
for his son ends in the way such a real life quest would be bound to end. No happy ending, no miracle, and the film
makers play it out early, not dragging it out, but not pulling any punches or
making it easy on the viewer. After this
quest the film could have easily devolved into a kill em all, find a cure
generic zombie flick, but instead the story continues to develop. It seems like it was written almost as a
series of short episodes, instead of a movie, and even has animated chapter
markers. Each chapter marks the protagonist’s downfall, and resurrection, as he
exits humanity to find his own humanity.
Humanity uses innovative filming, shifting from live action to animation for certain
scenes, and even using time lapse for at least one scene. The animation at first seemed a bit gimmicky;
you just aren’t expecting it in a serious film.
The animation is used sparingly and mostly to illustrate (if you will)
parts of the story outside the normal continuity.
The time lapse
scene likewise hits you with no warning but it works perfectly. It heightens the tension of the scene and
allows the film to progress without an overly long scene of the character
running through the woods. It’s just an
innovative way to portray an almost cliched scene.
The Canadian
scenery is beautiful and breath taking.
You can forget you are watching a horror movie, and believe you are
watching a modern western. The score
compliments the film work. Usually I
barely pay attention to the score unless it sucks up the movie but the music here
swept me up. I loved it
If I could change
one thing about this Exit Humanity, I would give Moseley more screen time, and
possibly flesh out his character a bit more.
I saw the potential for a great film villain. He was a villain, who as evil as he was, had
a cause, a cause that, while not inherently evil, had been warped by him and
his beliefs. The final confrontation
between Moseley and Gibson was beautiful, quick and final. I just wish we had more time with Moseley’s
General Williams before the showdown.
Some people
might find it too slow, and not enough zombie action, but personally I will
take a slower less hectic film. A film
that moves at a natural pace not the rapid cut MTV style horror movie. How many of those style horror movies are
actually good? I have also heard people
complain about the lack of zombie hoards in Exit Humanity. When I was watching it I wondered where all
the undead were coming from. This was
the 1800s in the Tennessee wilds. It’s
not the big city of Dawn of the Dead or The Walking Dead. Besides I would
rather see an intelligent film than just two hours of head shots, wouldn’t you?
If you haven’t
guessed by now, I really loved this film.
It was touch and go for the first maybe 10-15 minutes, but it grew on me
rapidly. If you like zombie movies, but
prefer your movies to have a little soul, I think you will like Exit Humanity. So skip all the other low budget trash, and
pick up Exit Humanity, this little Canadian film is worth the price of
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Alisha in Black
Just a few lingerie pictures from my photoshoot with the lovely Alisha. Enjoy, I enjoyed taking them
Friday, June 1, 2012
Zombies, cannibals, and um zombies, Oh My!
I was on the road last week when news of the "zombie attack" in Miami broke, but when I got to my hotel the news was all over Facebook. To most of my horror friends this was proof that the zombie apocalypse was in full swing. A few of my friends of a more political nature looked at it as another instance of police using undue force on an unarmed (and naked) person. Honestly I think eating someones face gives the police just cause to use deadly force.
However, the Miami Zombie as most are calling the incident was big news. Within a week pictures and video had appeared on the web. What is even more shocking that the gory images are the other incidents that seemed to suddenly be happening. A New Jersey man hurling pieces of his own intestines at the police. A Maryland man who eats the heart of his roommate. **(see edit) A Texas woman who decapitates her infant and eats its brain.** All obvious signs of the impending Romeroesque Armageddon. Suddenly the Mayans were all getting smug looks on their face. Not since Dick Clark's death were so many predicting the end.
What most overlooked, even many hard core horror fans, was that only the Miami incident really looked like a zombie apocalypse foreshadowing. Now that incident looked just like a classic zombie attack. Ignoring bullets, eating flesh, growling and being naked (corpses are stripped for the morgue) all straight out of a good old Romero flick, with effects by Savini. However the others just looked like really fucked up cannibalistic murders. While they could be connected to horror films, they really aren't very zombie like.
The Jersey man cutting out pieces of his own flesh and hurling it at cops could have come from the warped mind of David Cronenberg. Well Cronenberg before he found mainstream success, and put away his flesh warping imagination. The Texas woman who ate her babies brain claims she was told to do so by the devil. That sounds like an exorcism or possibly a cult movie, the same as the Maryland man who devoured his roommate. Still these grisly events get grouped together, and usually labeled as proof of a zombie onslaught.
Critics will say that the sensationalism of the Miami zombie case has simply heightened our senses to these gory crime. There is a lot of truth to that, even the police in the Miami case have said similar cases involving drug psychosis have happened in the past. Whether this is a new phenomena, or just the latest attack in a series that up until now we have over looked, I can almost guarantee that we will see more. Hell, maybe even copycat zombie attacks. Now that's scary.
***EDIT ( proof of the media sensationalizing the Miami attack is that the woman who ate her babies brain actually happened in 2009 and was thrown out there as new by some unscrupilious editor or writer to cash in on the cannibal attacks. I apologize for not fully fact checking. The article plays only a small role in this blog post so I wont delete the post or the reference but will (*) it. Shame on internet "journalists" and I use that term lightly)
How is this going to affect the current zombie craze? Right now that craze is riding high, being pushed in large part by the popularity of AMC's The Walking Dead. I'm somewhat shocked that The Walking Dead isn't being blamed for the Miami zombie attack. I could concede that a psychotic person could become convinced he was a zombie. The press has always been way to eager to blame popular culture for homicidal acts, but so far AMC has escaped their wrath.
In fact the Miami zombie attack may actually help The Walking Dead. After all the word zombie is on almost everyone in America's lips right now. Now with the season three premiere still four months away there is time for the furor to die down. That is if there are no more zombie or cannibal attacks between now and then. That's a big "if."
Whatever happens, whether TV and movies get blamed, whether more disturbed people dine on bath salts and go loco, or even if this is the opening snack in a zombie apocalypse, I can just about bet we will be hearing more about this. I would also bet the press is going to hype up any attack that even slightly resembles a cannibal or zombie attack. Me? I'm gonna just sit back, stock up on bullets and water, and practice my head shots.
Now here are the very, very graphic pictures. Be warned
However, the Miami Zombie as most are calling the incident was big news. Within a week pictures and video had appeared on the web. What is even more shocking that the gory images are the other incidents that seemed to suddenly be happening. A New Jersey man hurling pieces of his own intestines at the police. A Maryland man who eats the heart of his roommate. **(see edit) A Texas woman who decapitates her infant and eats its brain.** All obvious signs of the impending Romeroesque Armageddon. Suddenly the Mayans were all getting smug looks on their face. Not since Dick Clark's death were so many predicting the end.
What most overlooked, even many hard core horror fans, was that only the Miami incident really looked like a zombie apocalypse foreshadowing. Now that incident looked just like a classic zombie attack. Ignoring bullets, eating flesh, growling and being naked (corpses are stripped for the morgue) all straight out of a good old Romero flick, with effects by Savini. However the others just looked like really fucked up cannibalistic murders. While they could be connected to horror films, they really aren't very zombie like.
The Jersey man cutting out pieces of his own flesh and hurling it at cops could have come from the warped mind of David Cronenberg. Well Cronenberg before he found mainstream success, and put away his flesh warping imagination. The Texas woman who ate her babies brain claims she was told to do so by the devil. That sounds like an exorcism or possibly a cult movie, the same as the Maryland man who devoured his roommate. Still these grisly events get grouped together, and usually labeled as proof of a zombie onslaught.
Critics will say that the sensationalism of the Miami zombie case has simply heightened our senses to these gory crime. There is a lot of truth to that, even the police in the Miami case have said similar cases involving drug psychosis have happened in the past. Whether this is a new phenomena, or just the latest attack in a series that up until now we have over looked, I can almost guarantee that we will see more. Hell, maybe even copycat zombie attacks. Now that's scary.
***EDIT ( proof of the media sensationalizing the Miami attack is that the woman who ate her babies brain actually happened in 2009 and was thrown out there as new by some unscrupilious editor or writer to cash in on the cannibal attacks. I apologize for not fully fact checking. The article plays only a small role in this blog post so I wont delete the post or the reference but will (*) it. Shame on internet "journalists" and I use that term lightly)
How is this going to affect the current zombie craze? Right now that craze is riding high, being pushed in large part by the popularity of AMC's The Walking Dead. I'm somewhat shocked that The Walking Dead isn't being blamed for the Miami zombie attack. I could concede that a psychotic person could become convinced he was a zombie. The press has always been way to eager to blame popular culture for homicidal acts, but so far AMC has escaped their wrath.
In fact the Miami zombie attack may actually help The Walking Dead. After all the word zombie is on almost everyone in America's lips right now. Now with the season three premiere still four months away there is time for the furor to die down. That is if there are no more zombie or cannibal attacks between now and then. That's a big "if."
Whatever happens, whether TV and movies get blamed, whether more disturbed people dine on bath salts and go loco, or even if this is the opening snack in a zombie apocalypse, I can just about bet we will be hearing more about this. I would also bet the press is going to hype up any attack that even slightly resembles a cannibal or zombie attack. Me? I'm gonna just sit back, stock up on bullets and water, and practice my head shots.
Now here are the very, very graphic pictures. Be warned
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Miami zombie victim |
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Aftermath of the Miami zombie attack |
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Miami zombie attack victim after the attack |
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Giallo, Oh Dario Where Art Thou?
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Adrien Brody in Giallo |
Now however Giallo has finally been released. And the wait,
well was kind of worth it. It isn’t a
horrible film, and Argento has done worse (Mother of Tears), but it is far from
his best work. It also thematically falls far from his previous work. Gone is any suspense about who the killer is,
well almost all the suspense. Going into
the film I had no idea Adrien Brody was playing a double role, and within
minutes I recognized the killer was Brody.
Until the killer is finally full on display I assumed Brody’s detective
was moonlighting as the villainous “Giallo”. I can only guess that was the Argento’s
attempt at suspense.
Even the name of the film seems a misdirection of
sorts. Giallo, which means yellow in
Italian, typically refers to a genre of films popular in Italy in which Argento
was a master. The term typically was reserved
for horror/mystery films that were bloody and erotic. The term giallo came as many of these were
based on pulp novels with their yellow background and covers. However the name of the movie Giallo, just as
much refers to the killer, who is named “Giallo” due to his yellow tinted
skin. Jaundice just doesn’t have the
same ring after all.Unlike in his better films, there is little suspense, once you realize Brody isn’t the killer. There also isn’t that much violence or sex. Also none of the bright trippy colors and innovative camera work from his prime. The story is maybe a bit clearer than in his classics, I have always found Dario’s narrative a bit confusing, but watching classic Argento is like riding a Space Mountain. You’re there for the thrill of the ride, not the backstory. I could actually keep up with this story and that made up for the lack of style. Well just a little. Dario Argento has himself disavowed the movie. Normally I would think his cut would be better, but having seen the trailer for his Dracula, I’m afraid his cut would have been worse. In all honesty I, like a lot of his fans, have lost faith in Argento. At least lost faith in his ability to do what he has done best.
His best work lately, Jennifer and Pelts are far from his traditional fare. Giallo, a return to his roots, is just kind of there. It’s not unwatchable, and Adrien Brody plays a great detective. However his villain, Giallo is nothing special. The bad makeup can’t hide Brody’s features, and his mumbling is more annoying than chilling. While it’s better than 90% of the crap released, it’s not the Master of Italian Giallo. It’s better than Mother of Tears and appears to be light years better than Dracula, but it’s not quite as good as his Master of Horror episodes.
The film also stars Emanuelle Seigner, wife of accused pedophile Roman Polanski, and Elsa Pataky. Neither one is particulary interesting. Pataky spends most of the film screaming in the finest Giallo tradition. Seigner just seems a bit lost, there's little to no chemistry between her and Brody and her character is very thinly written. She like Pataky is more a plot device to move the film along, than an actual character.
Final verdict, it’s an ok watch. Adrien Brody is fun to watch, at least in one of his roles. It’s light on sex and nudity, and light on violence. There are a couple of intense scenes but they are few and far between. The ending was meant to be chilling, but just comes off as unfinished. Don’t rush to buy unless you are a hardcore fan worshiping at Dario’s feet. Everyone else should catch it on Netflix or cable.
Friday, May 18, 2012
Zombie Girl Diary teaser trailer
Here is the new teaser trailer fo the independent horror film Zombie Girl Diary, directed by Mike Pine. The film stars Vanessa Rae Bent, Jim Krut, Jimmyo Burrill and Eliza Jayne. It's set to start filming soon, look for it zombie fans
You also might be interested in my interview with Mike Pine the director of Zombie Girl Diary
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
The Horror of Porn
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Sasha Grey has my heart in her hands in Smash Cut |
So I recently wrote two reviews of horror films starring porn actresses, Smash Cut with Sasha Grey and Bloodlust Zombies with Alexis Texas. Porn stars seem to gravitate to horror movies when they move into the mainstream, and it seems to be happening more and more frequently. However it’s not a exclusively new situation, as adult actresses have been venturing into horror since the 70s at least. Still it seems to be happening with more frequency so I thought a list of those porn actresses (and actors) who have made a leap, although sometimes temporary leap, into horror was in order.
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Marilyn Chambers |
The late adult actress Marilyn Chambers was one of the first porn stars to appear in a horror film in 1977’s Rabid. Rabid was directed by the master of body horror Davis Cronenberg. Chambers plays a woman who is seriously injured in a motorcycle accident and undergoes a radical new treatment to save her life. After the treatment she grows an orifice under her armpit that hides a bloodsucking stinger. Those she bites become rabid zombies that further spread the infection.
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Cannibal Holocaust |
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Robert Kerman |
The next porn star foray into horror was in 1980 in Cannibal Holocaust. Cannibal Holocaust is one of the most notorious and controversial films of all time. Most horror fans know the story, the torture and killing of animals onscreen and the face that Italian director Ruggero Deodato was arrested for allegedly murdering his actors on film. What not a lot of fans know is that Robert Kerman, one of the film’s stars had also appeared in over 100 adult films, including Debbie Does Dallas. Cannibal Holocaust has become a cult classic, and one of the few horror films to feature a known male porn star.
The most successful porn actor to make the jump is easily Traci Lords. While more a sci fi than horror film her role in 1988’s remake of Not of This World launched her mainstream career, which included several horror and sci fi appearances. These included TV appearances in Tales from the Crypt and Stephen King’s The Tommyknockers. While Traci has found success in mainstream film, she will be always be remembered for the fact that she was underage during most of her porn career, and only one of her adult films is legal to own in the United States.
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Traci Lords in a bikini |
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Jeff Stryker |
In 1989 Italian horror is again the vehicle for an American porn star, and once again it is a male actor. Porn star Jeff Stryker starred in the Italian zombie film After Death, alternatively titled Zombie 4, or Zombie Flesh eaters. Whatever it’s called, it’s pretty much a stinker, but it did well financially, perhaps much of that due to Stryker’s casting.
Also in 1989 was the release of Things with a small role for porn star Amber Lynn. Honestly I haven’t seen things, but it’s on my list. It’s regarded as a “so bad it’s good movie” and supposedly revolves around a woman given birth to a brood of ant like creatures.
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Things the movie |
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Veronica Hart in Bloodsucking Pharohs in Pittsburg |
In 1991 porn star Veronica Hart starred in Bloodsucking Pharaohs in Pittsburgh, which has to be one of the greatest movie titles in horror history. It’s another I haven’t personally seen yet, but it has to be a “so bad it’s good” film, after all a credited director is the great Alan Smithee, nom de plume of every director too embarrassed to out his name on his work. With that title you really don’t need too much of a synopsis, it’s pretty self-explanatory and, the title alone, and possibly Veronica Hart should convince you whether you want to see the film or not.
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Evil Breed poster with Jenna Jameson |
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Chasey Lain from Evil Breed |
Now we fast forward just over ten years to 2003 and Evil Breed: The Legend of Samhain. The cover art and top billing for this gory horror film features Jenna Jameson, one of the hottest porn stars in recent years. Unfortunately that doesn’t mean she has much onscreen time. She does get naked, very naked in the unrated version, and her death scene does have one of the funnier moments of the film. Still I had hopes that Jenna would be a major player in the film and bring her sizzle into horror films full force. For the porn fan this film probably has the greatest collection of porn starlets outside of the AVNs. In the movie alongside Jenna Jameson are Ginger Lynn Allen, Chasey Lain, and Taylor Hayes. Evil Breed also stars Richard Greico, whose acting would make a porn star groan (and not in a good way.) There’s little good about this film beyond the boobs, and you can see those on the internet for free, even the film’s director has denounced it. It’s worse crime is promising much more of Jenna than it delivers.
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Ginger Lynn Allen |

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Jenna Jameson and Robert Englund in Zombie Strippers |
In 2008 we get what we were promised in 2003 with Evil Breed, a horror movie featuring Jenna Jameson as a major character in Zombie Strippers. Jenna stars alongside horror icon Robert Englund as the most popular dancer at a strip club infested with the living dead. It’s more comedy than horror, but the zombie element does qualify it for this category. Zombie Strippers pretty much delivers on all of it’s promises, nudity, gore and more nudity. There isn’t a lot of acting but really a movie like this doesn’t require acting, just a willingness to get naked and covered in gore. Englund hams it up because he knows he has it good. Hey who wouldn’t want to be in this movie other than the nut jobs at the Westboro “church?”
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Glamorous Sasha Grey |
The next year director Lee Demarble brought us Smash Cut with porn phenom Sasha Grey and cult icon David Hess. The movie is bad, in a gloriously good way, although a lot of people won’t get that it’s bad on purpose. The film is homage to cult films especially those of H.G. Lewis. Sadly it was Davis Hess’s last finished project and the horror community will miss him dearly, a lot of critics have hammered Sasha’s acting, but horrible acting is what was called for. If you don’t believe me check out some of those wonderful HGL movies like Blood Feast, or the film this closely resembles Gore, Gore, Girls. If you don’t think she can act better than she did in Smash Cut, just check out one of her pornos, or Entourage. Pervs be warned Sasha doesn’t get naked in Smash Cut.
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Piranha 3-D poster |
In 2010 Alexander Aja remade the cult classic Piranha, with Piranha 3-D. The movie was a big budget summer fun fest and full of naked and semi naked women. While the major roles didn’t feature any porn stars, the movie would not have been the same without one. Adult actress Riley Steele had a small, but very memorable role as one of the spring break “Girls Gone Wild” knock offs. Her underwater naked make out with British actress Kelly Brook got the audience just as wet as the Piranha.
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Sexy Riley Steele of Piranha |
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Alexis Texas from Bloodlust Zombies |
The latest, at least at the time of my writing, is 2011’s Bloodlust Zombies with Alexis Texas. The biggest problem I had with Bloodlust Zombies was it couldn’t make up its mind whether it was going to be a serious film or a comedy. My favorite part was Alexis Texas’s tits. We do get to see them a couple times. There were some truly funny moments in Bloodlust Zombies and the film would have been better to play to these. The serious moments, even when well-acted just didn’t work
So that’s it, probably not a wholly compete list but I think we covered most of the horror films with major contributions from adult entertainers. There are many more I am sure with bit pieces, and porn stars used as dancers, extras etc, but all of the above at least had credited speaking roles. Until next time, spank you very much for reading.
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One Eyed Monster with Ron Jeremy |
Monday, May 14, 2012
Bloodlust Zombies-Alexis Texas gives head(shots)
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Alexis Texas in Bloodlust Zombies |
Bloodlust Zombies is another of those horror films that feature a porn star in the vein of Smash Cut and Evil Breed. Bloodlust Zombies features porn star Alexis Texas as the zombie killing personal assistant Andrea. Unlike Sasha Grey in Smash Cut and to some degree Jenna Jameson in Evil Breed, Alexis has not retired from porn. Bloodlust Zombies thus seems to be more of a side project than a launching pad to a new career.
The story basically revolves around an outbreak at a biological weapons lab. An escaped cat that has been infected with a “rage” type virus infects the workers and the building goes on lockdown. The trapped employees including porn star Alexis Texas must fight the zombies, and each other to survive and escape
Bloodlust Zombies has the lowest budget of the three, or at least that’s the way it looks. However for a movie it is a very clean film. No graininess, blur, shoddy sound or obvious fake props. The people in charge of making this film look good did a good job. Special effects are mostly of the practical variety. CGI, if used was few and far between, so much that a day after watching it, I can’t recall any obvious computer effects. The practical effects aren’t that awesome, but the effects crew seems to realize their limitations and we don’t have any attempts at those spectacular effects that either look good or like shit. No rotting corpses, decapitations, but mostly just small wounds and blood covered victims and “zombies.”
There aren’t any Oscar worthy acting performances but most of the cast do a decent enough job Of the cast of course Alexis Texas will receive the most attention. She’s mostly in the film for eye candy, which she is effective as. Her acting is kind of scatter shot. At times she seems to really have some acting potential beyond the adult world, at others you really hope someone is directing her to overact.
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Bare bottom Alexis Texas |
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Alexis Texas adds her assets to Bloodlust Zombies |
That’s probably the biggest problem with Bloodlust Zombies, inconsistency. It doesn’t seem to know if it wants to make fun of itself or be a serious film. There are some great funny scenes, and then there are some absolutely horrible preachy scenes. For the most part it seems to be not taking it self seriously, to know it’s just a cheap vehicle for Alexis Texas, a dollar rental if you will. That’s usually a good thing, but honestly it’s getting a bit overplayed, especially when so many low budget film makers are managing to pull off a serious film of decent quality.
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Sexy Alexis Texas of Bloodlust Zombies |
Fans are beginning to expect more, regardless of the budget. Even tongue in cheek, we are expecting quality. Compare this to Smash Cut, which purposely made a bad film as homage to H.G. Lewis. There’s no homage here, just a cheap film with a few laughs and some nudity.
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Alexis Texas Busts out in Bloodlust Zombies |
So Bloodlust Zombies isn’t a movie to avoid, but it’s not a movie to rush out and grab either. Zombie completest and fans of Alexis Texas might find it a must have, but these are closer to the Resident Evil infected than Romero and you can see much more of Alexis on a Google search than in the film. Still she has a couple of very nice topless scenes, and if you want to check her out without going to the bad side of the internet this is a good chance. Everyone else put it in your Netflix queue for a slow night.
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Sexy Santa Alexis Texas rewards those who read to the end |
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
A Small Taste of Vinegar
A Small Taste of Vinegar
It’s better to spit it out
So I have a blog. Did
you know that? If you are reading this you probably do. That beats most of my friends. OK maybe that’s not fair, they know, but caring
that’s another matter. I have over 500
Facebook friends. That’s probably about average
now. I actually know a lot of them, but
not all. Several people I know have
deleted me for various reasons. I’m sure
a lot don’t like my politics, my religious beliefs, the fact I curse
occasionally or maybe because I don’t accept their game invites. It’s cool, if the best thing you can do with
a powerful medium like Facebook is play Mafia Wars or post bible quotes we have
little in common.
The thing is I do try and support my friends. I oooohhh and ahhhh over their baby pictures,
I used to accept their gamer invites till I got overwhelmed and realized how
annoying those invites can be, but most of all I share their projects. I’ll be honest, I don’t watch every video,
read every online article, but I do try and share at least a couple of things
from all my friends unless I am opposed to what they are sharing.
Now if I actually
like the article, I may share it often, read it and comment. However even if I don’t I try and share it. The closer the friend, the more I share. More and more I have noticed that is a one
way street though. I share other people’s
projects probably at a ratio of 50:1 or worse.
Contests, film projects, photos, blogs, articles, whatever I try to
share because I have always thought you support your friends. Even if they are a shitty writer you support
them. Shocking then that out of 500 friends, probably 5 have ever shared my blog,
or my photography page, and honestly one or two have ever shared a standalone
article I have written. I know hitting
that share button takes a lot of fucking time.
Now while the most part, I write for my own enjoyment, it’s
always nice when what you write is read.
The written word was meant to be read after all. My most popular blog post has been read by
over 30000 people and has not been shared once by any of my friends. Not once.
Kind of makes me feel all warm inside.
At least I know I’m not being vain when I said I accomplished that
without help.
So sit back and mutter about how ungrateful I am, about how
much you love and support me. Sit back
while I share your page day, after day.
While I send traffic to your pages, like your contest pics, give you
back links, and fetch your slippers.
Tell me why I shouldn’t be bitter? Tell me why I should ever click on
one of your links or share anything of yours?
Maybe I just don’t spam enough, or I’m not good enough to warrant your
attention. Forgive me, but it’s just a
little taste of vinegar
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Smash Cut: Farewell to David Hess, Hello Sasha Grey
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Sasha Grey in Smash Cut |
Smash Cut
Smash Cut is former porn star Sasha Grey’s first venture into the world of horror film. In fact that’s one of the reasons I avoided it when it first came out. Other than Traci Lord few porn stars have really made the leap from adult to mainstream entertainment. Ginger Lynn Allen has had some success but mostly in small roles, but Jenna Jameson’s jump into horror in the horrible Evil Breed (which also featured Ginger Lynn) was what stuck in my mind whenever I saw Smash Cut on the video shelves.
However I kept hearing good things about Smash Cut. Sasha’s other endeavors, such as her role on entourage, and her volunteering to read to school children, and resulting controversy, made me see her in a better light as well. Thus I went in search of Smash Cut. Unfortunately it was gone from the video shelves. I finally knuckled under and order a copy on Blue Ray. It was definitely not what I was expecting.
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Sexy Sasha Grey |
Smash Cut also stars the late David Hess, which any cult horror fan worth his salt will immediately recognize as the evil Krug from Last House on the Left. I am really sad I never got to meet David before he passed. Smash Cut was the perfect film for him, because he harkened back to a style of filmmaking that’s no longer around. In fact it’s nothing less than homage to the glory days of Hershel Gordon Lewis. While there is a huge stylistic difference between Craven who directed Hess in Last House and Lewis, both films were grindhouse splatter favorites. A lot of the criticism of Smash Cut comes from those who have no clue about HG Lewis, and have never seen one of his films.
The acting in Smash Cut is almost universally bad, so bad in fact that it has to be bad on purpose. The characters are almost carbon copy of Lewis and the dialogue made me think I was watching “Gore Gore Girls again.” The same with the effects, they are totally unbelievable, and have been shocked to see people attacking the special effects and then bringing up Lewis as an example of better filmmaking. Drop your nostalgia and watch one of HG Lewis films again and tell me how great the effects and acting are. Not to say that Lee Demarbre is as good (or as bad) as Lewis but he effectively channels and pays respect to him.
Jesse Buck could be a dead ringer in attitude and personality from the intrepid investigator Abraham () from Gore Gore Girls. He gives off that same vibe, and you are never really sure whose side he is on. His acting is probably closer to good acting than anyone else in the film, but it’s still bad as it should be.
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Sexy nurse Sasha Grey |
Sasha Grey’s acting was laughably horrible. So horrible that her acting was wonderful, the blank stares, the painful pauses, the ridiculous lines she delivers so flat and deadpan. Ever her slightly off cue screams were all marvelous. Now I have seen Sasha act, both in Entourage, and in porn and I know she can act better than in Smash Cut. It was either a brave move or a brilliant move making this near spoof her first mainstream film. Brave in that many will assume this was her doing her best, or brilliant in that she can deflect any criticism to “acting bad on purpose.” Personally I think it takes talent to act that bad and Sasha has talent.
Despite all the attention to Sasha Grey, you can’t talk about Smash Cut without mentioning David Hess. Real horror fans were dealt a harsh blow when David passed, all too soon last year. He began, and made his career with a cult film, so it’s fitting that one of his last films is homage to cult films. Like the rest of the cast David’s performance will be criticized by those who don’t “get” Smash Cut and that’s very sad. David delivered the performance the film needed. Watching him in Smash Cut is pure joy, only tempered by the fact that he is now gone. He will be missed by those who knew him and respected his work.
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Cult legend David Hess |
Visually Smash Cut is a 70s film but with better technical quality. The colors are all intense and garish , with no muted tones. Everything is out there, watching Smash Cut is like walking into a strip joint on retro night. Either that or imagine a bomb going off in a day glow paints factory.
I read an online review where someone decried the music of Smash Cut as 70s porno music. The reviewer is right, but really what other music would fit. Watching and listening to this film was like being back in my giddy high school years and sneaking a forbidden VHS into the recorder while my parents were asleep.
The only thing missing was nudity, but I’m not going to tweak it for that. The film is actually better without nudity (bet you NEVER thought you’d see me type that didya?) Anyone who has never saw Sasha Grey naked probably doesn’t want to, and if they do all it takes is a Google of her name with “safe search” off.
Keeping her clothes on was probably a calculated, wise move to distance her a bit more from her porn past. It also harkens to those older films where there was more tease than tit. Sure HGL loved to show some nudity, but for the most parts those films promised way more than they actually show. C’mon who didn’t expect to see Sasha at least topless? I did till I was roughly half way through. What got me was that seeing the lovely Ms. Grey in a white sweater, sans bra, was so titillating despite all of her I have seen in the past. And yes, I have seen all of her.
The effects while gory are so unbelievable that only the faintest of heart will be disturbed. More than likely you will find yourself laughing at the death scenes unless you really do some suspension of disbelief. Like the rest of the movie you will either get it and enjoy it or hate it, and probably turn it off.
So final verdict? If you are a fan of Sasha Grey, and I mean real fan not just a fan of her sex games, you should enjoy it. If you are a real fan just get past the bad acting and lack of nudity and support Sasha. Fans of David Hess should likewise enjoy Smash Cut. His fans will also be more likely to “get” the film. Fans of HG Lewis and the gory cult days should also enjoy. Some may balk at the shoddy effects and weak plot, but most will get that it’s part of the charm of this film. All this and you get Michael Berryman in a jewfro wig to boot!
People looking for a film that makes sense and has great acting should avoid it. Most of them simply won’t get the charm of Smash Cut. Sasha Grey’s fans from her porn days will probably be disappointed, some even angry. Tough shit, get over it, people move on in their careers and lives, let’s give Sasha a chance to shine in real films. So if you can deal with a film that has bad acting, horrible plot, bad effects and 70s porn music then pop in Smash Cut. If you are looking for the next Silence of the Lambs, keep looking, nothing to see here. All this and you get Michael Berryman in a Jewfro wig to boot!
PS I loved it and for those who read to the end
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Sexy hot Sasha Grey |
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